Making Democracy Work

Election Information

Get the 411 on local, state, and national elections!

General information

Annual town elections in Northborough are held on the second Monday in May.

Annual town elections in Shrewsbury and Westborough are held on the first Tuesday in May.

Other town elections, called to consider town ballot questions, may be added by the towns' Boards of Selectmen.

State and national elections are held as follows:

  • Presidential Primary: on the first Tuesday in February of every 4th year.
  • Primary Election for county, state, and federal offices: on the second Tuesday in September of every 2nd year.
  • Primary Election for county, state, and federal offices: on the first Tuesday in November after the first Monday in November of every 2nd year.

Polls are open as follows:
  • For state/national elections, polls are open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • For town elections in Northborough and Shrewsbury, polls are open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • For town elections in Westborough, polls are open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

2010 Elections

  • Tuesday, September, 14, 2010: Primary state and national elections
  • Tuesday, November 2, 2010: General state and national elections

Register to Vote

Are you registered to vote? Do you want to change your party, your address, your name?

Can I register to vote?

To register to vote, a resident of Massachusetts must be:

  • a United States Citizen; AND
  • who will be 18 years old by the date of the next election.

Do I have to register to vote?

  • If you want to vote and you have never registered before, then you must register.
  • If you're not sure if/when/where/how you registered, contact the Town Clerk's office.

Where do I register to vote?

Residents of Massachusetts may register to vote at either:

  • the Town Clerk's office, or
  • the Registry of Motor Vehicles, or
  • certain other state agencies.

When may I register to vote?

  • Registration at the Clerk's office during regular business hours.
  • Registration for each election closes twenty days before that election.
  • Mail-in registration forms must be postmarked no later than the deadline date.

For more information, see the web pages for the Town Clerks of:

Where do I vote?

Where do I vote in Northborough?

Northborough is divided into four precincts. Where you reside indicates where you will vote. Polling places are for each precinct are:

1 : Proctor School, Jefferson Rd.
2 : Lincoln Street School, Lincoln St.
3 : Peaslee School, Maple St.
4 : Zeh School, Howard St.

To find your precinct, follow this link.

Where do I vote in Shrewsbury?

Shrewsbury is divided into nine precincts. Where you reside indicates where you will vote. Polling places are for each precinct are:

1 : Richard D. Carney Municipal Office Bldg., 100 Maple Ave. (next to pct. 6)
2 : Gesang Verein Frohsinn Club, 25 North Quinsigamond Ave.
3 : Calvin Coolidge School, 17 Florence St.
4 : Scandinavian Athletic Club, 438 Lake St.
5 : Sewer/Water Dept. Garage, 209 South St. (shared with pct. 8)
6 : Shrewsbury Senior Center, 98 Maple Ave. (next to pct. 1)
7 : Spring Street School, 121 Spring St.
8 : Sewer/Water Dept. Garage, 209 South St. (shared with pct. 5)
9 : Fire Station #3, 20 CenTech Blvd.

To find your precinct, follow this link.

Where do I vote in Westborough?

Westborough is divided into five precincts. Where you reside indicates where you will vote. Polling places are for each precinct are:

1 : Gibbons Middle School
2 : Hastings School
3 : Gibbons Middle School
4 : Mill Pond School
5 : Mill Pond School

To find your precinct, follow this link.

Voting in primary elections

Who may vote in the primaries?

  • Voters registered in a political party are restricted to the ballot for that party.
  • Voters registered as "unenrolled" (elsewhere called "independent") may choose a ballot for any party participating in the primary election without changing the voter's "unenrolled" status.

Voting Assistance

Disabled voters or other voters needing assistance may have someone accompany him/her who can provide the needed assistance. Assistance may also be requested from election workers.

More Information

Find more information about elections at...

Town of Northborough >> Office of the Town Clerk
Town Office Building
63 Main Street
Northborough, MA 01532
(508) 393-5001

Town of Shrewsbury >> Office of the Town Clerk
100 Maple Ave.
Shrewsbury, MA 01545
(508) 841-8401

Town of Westborough >> Office of the Town Clerk
34 West Main St.
Westborough, MA 01581
(508) 366-3020

Secretary of the Commonwealth >> Elections Division
McCormack Building, Room 1705
One Ashburton Place
Boston, MA 02108
(617) 727-2828 or (800) 462-VOTE (8683)

Federal Election Commission
999 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20463
(800) 424-9530